Director of Research, Division of Palliative Care and Geriatric Medicine
Director, Mongan Institute Center for Aging and Serious Illness, Massachusetts General Hospital
Christine Ritchie, MD, MSPH, is the Kenneth L. Minaker Endowed Chair in Geriatrics and Director of Research for the Division of Palliative Care and Geriatric Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). She is a board-certified geriatrician and palliative care physician and conducts research focused on optimizing quality of life for those with chronic serious illness and multimorbidity. She co-leads the NIA-funded Bridge the Gap T32 program and the national Home-based Primary Care Learning Network, which seeks to improve our understanding and care of the homebound population. Dr. Ritchie directs the Center for Aging and Serious Illness Research within the MGH Mongan Institute, which brings together researchers who focus on improving the well-being of older adults and enhancing the lived experience of those with advanced illnesses, applying methods from intervention, implementation, population health, and health policy research. She also serves on the Harvard Center for Palliative Care Steering Committee.