Research Methods in Supportive Oncology (RMSO)

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if I am eligible for the workshop? What if I do not fall into the physician/nurse/social worker/psychologist group?
Anyone with a doctorate degree is eligible to apply as long as they are doing research in supportive oncology. Given the demand for the course, we are no longer able to accept students currently in doctoral programs.

What is the definition of an early-stage researcher?
Broadly, individuals who have a doctorate degree are eligible to apply, and we would expect that those who are professors or who have extensive research experience in this topic would be too advanced for the workshop.

Is my research eligible if it is in palliative care, but not necessarily cancer related?
Projects must be related to cancer in some way.

Can investigators participate in the workshop more than one year?
No, people can only participate once. However, there may be the possibility for a small number of past participants to audit, but we do not have funding for them.

Is the workshop limited to US citizens?
The workshop is not limited to US citizens. However, our grant does not allow reimbursement for international travel. If international attendees find their own funding for travel to the workshop, we are able to cover hotel costs in Boston.

Is this an annual opportunity?

Is there a similar workshop being offered on the west coast?

If I am a doctoral student, should I use the "Fellowship" format or the "General" format for my NIH Biosketch?
Either format is acceptable.

Is it necessary to have an eRA Commons user name?
It is not necessary.

Will local mentors need to submit a reference letter?
Local mentors do not need to submit letters. If you are accepted, the person you listed as a local mentor will be sent a survey about you.

Should I include tables and figures in my abstract?
We prefer the abstract to be text only. Applicants do not need to include the instrument itself.

If you have any further questions regarding the workshop, please contact us at